Extracting Metadata

You can extract metadata to view or modify it. When you extract metadata, you save the file as an XML or APP file and specify the file name and location. After you modify metadata, you must reload the modified file into the application for the changes to take effect.

You cannot extract members of system-defined dimensions, such as the Value dimension. In addition, you cannot extract members of dimensions that are defined in application profiles, such as Year and Period.

To extract metadata:

  1. Open the application.
  2. Select Consolidation, then Extract, and then Application Elements.
  3. In the Metadata section, from Delimiter, select the character to be used to separate the metadata in the file.

    Delimiter characters are necessary only for ASCII files with the .app file extension. Delimiter characters are not necessary for XML files. These characters are valid:

    , ~ @ $ % ^ | : ; ? \


    Use a character that is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file. For example, if you use the comma in an entity description, do not use the comma as the delimiter.

  4. Select a File Format:
    • Financial Management (.app)

    • Financial Management (.xml)

  5. From Filters, select the types of metadata to extract.
  6. Click Extract.
  7. Follow the download instructions displayed in the browser to download the extracted file.

    The instructions vary depending on the Web browser that you are using. Make sure to save the file in the Web directory that you set up.

  8. Optional: To download the log file, click Download Log. Click Open to display the log file, or Save and select a location to save the file locally.