HFM Web Tuning Parameters

This section covers other HFM Web UI tuning parameters.

Tuning Parameter and Locations

Parameter Default Value Suggested Value


HFM ADF Web App Java Heap Size (Xms and Xmx)

The amount of heap available to each managed instance of the HFM ADF Web Application.


HFM ADF Web is installed as a Windows service. The heap parameters can be tuned by editing the JVMOptionXX options in the following location:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\HFMWeb(N)\HyS9FinancialMangementWeb

Where HFMWeb(N) is HFMWeb0, HFMWeb1, etc. depending on how many HFM web servers are deployed and which server instance you are updating.

Note that on a compact deployment, it is not possible to tune HFM ADF Web separately as there will be a single EPMSystem(N) Web application for all EPM products. The location of the Windows registry containing configuration options is HKLM\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\EPMServer(N)\HyS9EPMServer.

Xms sets the initial heap size and should be set to the same size as Xmx.


Locate JVMOptionXX for -Xms

Data Type is REG_SZ

Data value: -Xms<size>

128m 8192m
Xmx sets the maximum size of the heap. On 32bit systems, set no higher than 1.8 GB, and on 64bit it is recommended not to set higher than 75% of the available physical memory.


Locate JVMOptionXX for –Xmx

Data Type is REG_SZ

Data value: -Xmx<size>

4096m 8192m