
Gets the name of the current member. This function can be used in these types of rules:

  • Calculation

  • Translation

  • Consolidation

  • Allocation



where <Object> is one of these keywords:

  • Entity

  • Parent

  • Period

  • Scenario

  • Value

  • Year

  • View

Return Value

A string that contains the current member name.

For the Value object, Member returns the name of the current Value member, not the currency associated with the value. For example, if the current Value member is Entity Currency and the value is associated with the USD currency, HS.Parent.Member returns Entity Currency, not USD.


To get the currency of the current Value member, use the DefCurrency function.


In this example, if the current entity is California then statements between the If...Then and End If statements are executed:

If HS.Entity.Member = "California" Then
End If