
This setting controls the multi-threading of consolidations per application server.

Range: No hard limit on range. Value must be a positive number.

Default value: 8


Lowering the value limits the system's utilization of system resources, resulting in slower consolidation performance. Raising the value results in higher CPU utilization and may affect other components’ performance.


Tests were conducted to evaluate the impact of increasing NumConsolidationThreads from 4 to 8. Results below show that one month consolidation times became faster.

Transactions 92 users NumConsolidationThreads = 4 Average Response Time (seconds) 92 users NumConsolidationThreads = 8 Average Response Time (seconds)
01_Run_Consolidation_ A_1105 10.11 3.22
02_Run_Consolidation_A_0005 16.15 9.47
03_Run_Consolidation_ A_2205 7.75 3.19
04_Run_Consolidation_A_3305 18.67 9.17
05_Run_Consolidation_B_1105 8.21 3.14
06_Run_Consolidation_B_0005 13.26 9.27
07_Run_Consolidation_B_2205 7.69 6.20
08_Run_Consolidation_B_3305 18.29 9.41
09_Run_Consolidation_C_0005 30.59 22.08


CPU utilization on Financial Management application servers during test execution was acceptable with capacity available to accommodate more intense workload.


Before increasing this value, ensure all settings are the same on all application servers; you should test to see how many current consolidations will run on a given server before total consolidation time is actually worse when running concurrent consolidations versus consolidations waiting in queue.