Order of Precedence for Conflicting Attributes

There are multiple ways to set the number of decimals, scale, and POV for data forms. For example, you can set the number of decimals:

  • For the form - FormNumDecimals=3

  • For a column - C4=A#Inventory,NumDecimals:1

  • For a row - R4=A#Sales,NumDecimals:2

  • For a cell override - R2=S#Actual.P#August, Override(2,7,P#July, NumDecimals:4)

In some instances, the setting for one of these attributes may intersect with a conflicting setting for the same attribute. For example, a column may have a scale setting of 1, while an intersecting row may have a scale setting of 2. It is important to understand that the value that is applied for the number of decimals and scale attributes is based on this order of precedence:

  • Cell Override

  • Row

  • Column

  • Form

  • Default - For number of decimals, the default comes from the account. For scale, the default is taken from the entity currency.


    In the POV, the value for each dimension is independently resolved. For example, the Account dimension might be set at the form level and the Scenario dimension at the row level.

The system resolves conflicting attributes according to the order of precedence. For example, if the number of decimals attribute is defined on a cell override, this value is used instead of the form, row, column or default.

Similarly, if a cell has conflicting data and calculations specified, this order of precedence is applied:

  • SCalc

  • Data


    SCalc formulas in a form are evaluated in a left to right, top to bottom order. For example, all of the columns in row 1 are evaluated sequentially, then all of the columns for row 2 are evaluated. An SCalc formula can refer to another SCalc cell that precedes it in the evaluation order.