Reusing Data

Use the EXP function to insert data from one account into another account. EXP’s argument contains the account to be set and the account from which the value is retrieved. The argument is in the form of an equation, with the target account on the left side of the equal sign and the source account on the right side.


EXP inserts data into the intersection of an account with the current dimension members (see Current Dimension Members). In addition, you can use Account Expression characters to override the current Custom and ICP members.

In this example, the Calculation rule sets the PrevCash account to the value in the Cash account:

HS.EXP "A#PrevCash = A#Cash"

You can use Account Expression characters to specify dimension members on both sides of the equal sign in EXP’s argument. See Exp. This example inserts the data from the previous year’s intersection of the PrevCash account and the Golf member of the Custom 3 dimension into the current year’s intersection of PrevCash and Golf:

HS.EXP "A#PrevCash.C3#Golf = A#Cash.Y#Prior.C3#Golf"


The Prior keyword that follows the Y# Account Expression characters causes EXP to retrieve the previous year’s data. There are several similar keywords that apply to Year and Period in Account Expressions. See Period and Year Keywords.