Setting Match/Validate Before Post Option

For each period, you can set the Match/Validate Before Post option. The Match/Validate option defines whether the system needs to check the match status of the transactions before the transactions can be posted and defines the types of validation that need to be done before an entity can be locked or a period can be closed.

If you select the Match/Validate Before Post option, you must match transactions or assign a reason code before they can be posted. Before you can close a period or lock an entity, you must post all matched transactions or mismatched transactions with reason codes.

If you select the Restrict option, you must match transactions before you can post them, but you can close periods or lock entities that have unposted transactions.

Table 14-1 Match/Validate Before Post Option Value Descriptions

Match/Validate Option Value Description


All transactions can be posted


The system allows transactions to be posted if either of these conditions are met:

  • Transactions have the Matched status.

  • Transactions with a MisMatched status contain a valid Reason Code.

    Unmatched transactions or mismatched transactions without a reason code cannot be posted.

The system also checks that all matched transactions or mismatched transactions with reason codes are posted before the period can be closed or the entity can be locked.


If you set the Match/Validate Before Post option to Restrict, the system allows transactions to be posted if either of these conditions are met:

  • Transactions have the Matched status.

  • Transactions with a MisMatched status contain a valid Reason Code.

    Unmatched transactions or mismatched transactions without a reason code cannot be posted.

You can close periods or lock entities that have unposted transactions.