Setting Up Process Management Alerting

You can set up the Process Control module to generate email alerts based on a change of status in process control. You can set up alerts for these actions: First Pass, Review levels 1 through 10, Submitted, Approved, or Published.

Email alerts are not generated when the process unit is at the Not Started level or for the Sign Off action.

To set up process management email alerts:

  1. In the metadata file, for the scenario in the process unit, set the SupportsProcessManagement metadata attribute to A to allow alerts.


    When you enable this attribute, the scenario generates email alerts during the review process for the users that have the security rights to receive them.

  2. Assign the user to the Receive Email Alerts for Process Control security role.
  3. Assign the user ALL or PROMOTE access to the security classes assigned to the scenario and entity in the process unit and add an alert for each security class.
  4. In the Security Access section for the security class, set the Support Alert option to Y for Yes to enable alerts. For example: [Default];User1@NativeDirectory;All;Y.

Users who meet all criteria receive email alerts.

Table 16-1 Process Management User Roles and Alert Notification

Process Unit Level Before or After Action Process Management User Roles Notified

First Pass

Users with ALL or PROMOTE access to the entity are notified.

Review Levels 1 through 10

Reviewer at that Review Level and Submitter roles are notified.

For example, for Review Level 1, Reviewer 1 and Submitter roles are notified.


Review Supervisor role is notified. Only users with this role can approve the submitted process unit.


Reviewer 1 to Reviewer 10 and Submitter roles are notified.


Users with ALL, READ, or PROMOTE access to the entity are notified.

When a process review action is performed, the system automatically generates email alerts to the appropriate users, according to the security rights that have been set up. The user that performed the action is also notified with a confirmation email.


Users with the Application Administrator role do not receive email alerts. For a user with the Application Administrator role to receive email alerts, set up the administrator as a separate user and assign the role to receive alerts.