Simultaneously Setting Several Accounts

To insert data into all accounts that intersect the current point of view, use All with the account expression. You can use this to set the opening balances of all accounts. In this example, the IsFirst function tests whether the current period is the first period. If it is the first period, then Exp sets each account’s value for the current period to the account’s value from the last period of the prior year.

If HS.Period.IsFirst = TRUE Then
End If

To insert data into all intersections of accounts and Custom or Intercompany Partner dimensions, use the All keyword or omit the A# characters. This example, which omits the A# characters, inserts data into each account that intersects the GolfBalls member of the Custom1 dimension. For each valid intersection of GolfBalls and an account, the amount in the prior period’s intersection is placed in the current period’s intersection.

HS.Exp "C1#GolfBalls = C1#GolfBalls.P#PRIOR"

Return Value



This example sets the amount in the StateTax account. The example calculates this amount by multiplying the amount in the Sales account for 2014 by the rate in the StateRate account for 2014.

HS.Exp "A#StateTax = A#Sales.Y#2014 * A#StateRate.Y#2014"