Specifying Form Row and Column Options

The dimension elements that you specify for rows and columns override elements that are set in the Background POV or Selectable POV. You can specify only one member list per row or column.

For valid values for each option, see Using Data Form Scripts.

If a form requires more than 100 rows, you can use the Scripts tab to specify the additional rows. For information on the syntax to use, see Rn.

If a form requires more than 24 columns, you can use the Scripts tab to specify the additional columns. For information on the syntax to use, see Cn.

In addition, you can specify Calculated Row or Column, and Calc Expressions for rows and columns. When you select the Calculated Row option, the selected row or column becomes a calculated row and column, and you must enter a calc expression.


You can use Other to specify syntax for row or column keywords not displayed in the Options section, such as Blank and ReadOnly. In addition, if the definition of a row or column in the script contains deprecated or invalid syntax, that syntax is displayed in Other.