Testing for More Than One Member

You can test for more than one member in an If...Then statement. In other words, you can execute an action for two or more members of a dimension. Consider the example in the Testing for a Dimension Member section. You might want the Sales account’s value to be calculated if the current scenario is Budget or Forecast.

To test for more than one member, use two Member functions and VBScript’s Or keyword in the If...Then statement. Place Or after the first Member function, then place the second Member function between Or and Then.


You can use this technique to test for more than two members. For each member to be tested, include an additional combination of the Member function and the Or keyword.

In this example, if the current scenario is Budget or Forecast, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management multiplies the amounts in the UnitsSold and Price accounts and inserts the product in the Sales account:

If HS.Scenario.Member = "Budget" Or HS.Scenario.Member = "Forecast" Then
  HS.EXP "A#Sales = A#UnitsSold * A#Price"
End If