Using the Metadata Merge Utility

If you are upgrading to a new release from an existing release, you can use the Metadata Merge utility to merge your existing metadata files with the files in the latest version. This enables you to retain modifications that you made in your existing metadata file. The utility is located in the Financial Management\Utilities folder.


The Metadata Merge utility works only with metadata in XML format; it does not work for APP format.


MetadataMerge.bat -b<Base File>[i<Ignore descriptions>]-l <Latest file>-m <Modified file>[-o <Output File>]


-b,-base <Base File> = Base version of metadata file full path including the file name with extension

-l,-latest <Latest File> = Release version of metadata file full path including the file name with extension

-m,-modified <Modified File>= Modified metadata file full path including the file name with extension

-o,-output <Output File> = Output metadata file path, to which the updated metadata and Metadata Difference report will be saved

-i,-ignoredesc <Ignore Descriptions> = Ignore member description changes


-b c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_V1_B.xml

-l c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_V2_R.xml

-m c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_Customer_M.xml (User-modified metadata based on Comma_V1_B.xml file)

-i true

Command: MetadataMerge.bat -b c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_Metadata_B.xml -l c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_Metadata_R.xml -m c:\temp\MetadataMerge\Comma_Metadata_M.xml -i true

To use the Metadata Merge utility:

  1. Run MetadataMerge.bat from either File Explorer or the command line.
  2. During the merge process, if there are any metadata conflicts, the system displays a warning message. Select one of these options:
    • Y - Yes. The system will apply changes from the latest release file and merge them into the existing file.

    • N - No. The system will not apply changes from the latest release file.

    • MA - Merge All. All changes will be applied from the latest release file. The system will not prompt you for further conflicts.

    • MN - Merge None. No changes will be applied. The system will not prompt you for further conflicts.

  3. Copy the two images under the Images folder to the path where the Metadata Differences Report.html file is generated. These images are the Expand and Collapse icons for the tree in the Metadata Differences report.