
You can use the members section to define descriptions for system-defined members of the Value dimension. In addition, for Value dimension members that the system creates for currencies, you can define descriptions that will be appended to the currency descriptions.

Syntax for Value members:


You can specify the label of a system-defined Value member. You also can use these labels to create descriptions that are appended to the descriptions for the corresponding Value members that the system creates for user-defined currencies:

<Currency Total>
<Currency Adjs>

For example, suppose that you define the currencies USD and EUR with descriptions of "US Dollars" and "Euro", respectively. In addition, suppose you define these Value member descriptions in a loaded metadata file:

<Currency Total>;English=Total
<Currency Adjs>;English=Adjs

The following table describes the Value dimension member triplets that the system creates for the USD and Euro currencies.

Table 4-13 Value Dimension Descriptions

Value Member Description

USD Total

US Dollars Total

USD Adjs

US Dollars Adjs


US Dollars Base

EUR Total

Euro Total

EUR Adjs

Euro Adjs


Euro Base


The metadata file must have a description specified for the Value member <Currency>. If descriptions for currencies are not specified in the metadata file, when you load metadata, the currency descriptions are not displayed.