About Email Alerts

You can use email alerts for intercompany transactions and in the process control review process. Email alerts help highlight a key event or data change in the system. For example, you can send an email alert that an intercompany transaction is mismatched and needs to be matched, or that a process unit is ready for the next level of promotion.

Email alerts are sent using standard Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), so you can use alerts with any email system that works with Internet email. To use alerts, you must specify the SMTP server name when you run the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management configuration utility. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

The alert process uses the email addresses that are stored in your authentication files, such as LDAP, MSAD, or Native Directory.

Before you can send or receive email alerts, you must complete these steps:

  • The security class assigned to the scenario and entity for the alert must support email alerts. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

  • Users must be assigned a security role to receive email alerts. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide

  • The SMTP mail server must be configured. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

See these procedures: