Attaching Documents to a Process Unit

From Process Control, you can attach one or more documents to cells for additional detail. For example, you can attach a Microsoft Word document, Excel spreadsheet, XSL, or RPT file. To attach or extract any custom documents to or from the server, you must be assigned the Manage Custom Documents security role.

You can set a size limit for document attachments and a maximum number of document attachments by user when you create an application. You set the limits in the AppSettings attribute for the application metadata.

You can attach multiple documents; however, Oracle recommends that you do not attach more than three documents to a cell. Each document should be smaller than 100K to limit the performance effect on the database.

After you attach a document to a process unit, you can download the document, but you cannot detach it from the process unit.

To attach a document to a cell:

  1. From Process Control, select the process unit for which to attach a document.
  2. Select a process unit action.
  3. Click Add Row.
  4. From the Attachments column, click Attach.
  5. From your list of custom documents, select one or more documents to associate with the process unit, and click Attach.


    You cannot attach private documents.

    The document is associated with the scenario, year, period, and entity combination and the process level.