Calculating Ownership

You use the Calculate Ownership option to calculate values for ownership percentages based on entity shares. You can calculate ownership for multiple parent entities and for multiple periods for a specific scenario and year. You can run calculation procedures together or separately.

For the Calculate Ownership option to be available, you must assign a holding company to the parent entity. When you define entity members for the application, you specify the HoldingCompany attribute for the entity. See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

To calculate ownership:

  1. From the POV, select the parent entity for which to calculate ownership.


    The parent entity that the calculation process uses is the Entity on the point of view. For example, if the POV entity is Region.Europe, the calculation runs for Europe, not Region.

  2. From the right pane, select one or more Calculate Ownership options:
    • To select a consolidation method for percent control, select Consolidation Method.

    • To calculate ultimate percent consolidation, select Percent Consolidation.

    • To calculate ultimate percent ownership, select Percent Ownership.

    • To calculate ultimate percent control, select Percent Control.

    • To calculate direct percent ownership, select Direct Percent Ownership.

  3. Select an Entities option:
    • To calculate ownership for the current entity only, select Current Entity.

    • To calculate ownership for the current entity and all parent entities below it, select Descendants.

    • To calculate ownership for all entities, select All Entities.

  4. From Periods, select the periods for which to calculate ownership, or select All.
  5. Click Calculate.