Copying Data

You can copy data from a specific scenario, year, period, or list of periods to a specific destination (provided that the destination is not locked). The frequency of the source periods must equal the frequency of the destination periods. If you copy a list of periods, the number of source periods must equal the number of destination periods. The source and destination scenarios must also have the same default frequency. To update values, you must reconsolidate after you copy the data.

For the Value dimension, you can copy values only from the Entity Currency member, or you can include system and exchange rate accounts.

To copy data, you must have the Database Management security role.

You can define a factor by which copied data values are multiplied. Source amounts are multiplied by the factor before data is copied to the destination. For example, you can increase data values in one scenario before you copy them to another scenario, such as increasing all Actual 2013 data values by 15% when you copy them to Forecast 2014. The multiplication factor that you define is not applied to system accounts.

You must also consider any business rules you created and loaded that may affect the account data; for example, a rule that can be used to calculate an account in one period but not in another period.

You can specify how data is copied into an application. You can select to merge, replace, or accumulate the data. For all Mode options, copy and load data options are the same. See Load Methods.

You also specify a log file, which stores information about the copy process, for example, the start and end times for the copy process and access violations.

To copy data:

  1. Open the application from which to copy data.
  2. Select Consolidation, then Data, and then Manage.
  3. From the Manage Data page, expand Copy Data.
  4. For Source, select a Scenario, Year, and a Period or range of Periods from which to copy data.
  5. For Destination, select a Scenario, Year, and the same number of Periods to which to copy data.
  6. For Copy Members, select the Account and Entity members from which to copy data.
  7. In Options, from Mode, select an option:
    • Accumulate to add data to data in the destination scenario

    • Merge to overwrite data in the destination scenario

    • Replace to replace data in the destination scenario

  8. From View, select Periodic or YTD.
  9. Select one or more options:
    • Entity Currency Data to copy the data in the Entity Currency member of the Value dimension

    • Rates and System Data to copy data from system and exchange rate accounts

    • Cell Text to copy cell text

    • Copy Derived Data to copy derived data

  10. Optional: To store the copy information in a log file, select Enable Detailed Logging.
  11. Optional: For Multiplier, enter a factor by which to multiply the data that you are copying, such as 1.0.


    The factor that you specify is not applied to system accounts.

  12. Click Copy.
  13. Optional: To view a log of the copy process, click View Log.