Creating Task Lists

You can create private or public task lists. Public task lists can be shared with other users. Private task lists are not displayed to other users, and can be accessed only by the users who create them. To limit access to a list, you can assign a security class to the list.

You can add these items to task lists: tasks, data forms, data grids, intercompany reports, journal reports, links to Web sites or files, related content, folders, and custom documents. You can include multiple instances of a task or document in a task list. For example, a task list may contain these items for a workflow: Input Grid, Load Data, Input Grid, Process Control.

You can also add a task list to another task list. For example, you can create a task list for journal actions and add it to a task list for monthly closing tasks. When you create a task list, you define whether it can be added to other task lists. A task list that is attached to a major list cannot contain another task list.

To organize the documents of a task list, you can add document folders to task lists. Users can then expand folders and select one or more documents. For example, you can add a folder of data forms. You can add a folder with subfolders, and you can modify a folder that is attached to a task list to add a subfolder to it. You can add an unlimited number of folders to a task list.

To create a task list:

  1. From Document Manager, click New, and then Task List, or select Actions, then New, and then Task List.
  2. Click Add, or select Actions, then Add, and select an item:
    • Folder

    • Task List

    • Custom Documents

    • Data Form

    • Data Grid

    • Link

    • Related Content

    • Reports

    • Tasks

  3. Select the items to add, and click Select.
  4. Optional: To reorder items in a task list, highlight the item to move, and click the Move Task List Item arrows to move the item up, down, to the top, or to the bottom.


    To remove items from a task list, select the item and click Delete or Delete All.

  5. Click Save, or select Actions, and then Save.
  6. For Name, enter a task list name.


    These characters are not valid in a task list name: colon (:), semi-colon (;), less than or greater than signs (< >), single or double quotation marks (', “),

  7. From Security Class, select a security class, or use the Default security class.
  8. Optional: For Description, enter a description.
  9. Optional: Select Private if you do not want to display this task list to other users.
  10. Optional: To overwrite a task list, select Overwrite existing document.
  11. Click Save.