Viewing Calculation Status

Oracle Hyperion Financial Management maintains the calculation status for each scenario, year, period, entity, parent, and value combination. The calculation status indicates whether data needs to be calculated, translated, or consolidated. You can view the calculation status in a data grid.

The calculation status can change as a result of several actions:

  • Changing the organization structure

  • Adding or deleting accounts

  • Modifying entity attributes

  • Entering data in data grids, or loading data from external sources

  • Posting or unposting journals

  • Posting or unposting intercompany transactions

  • Reloading rules

  • Changing percent consolidation

  • Changing currency rates

  • Loading member lists

  • Adding, changing, or loading line item detail

Table 4-2 Calculation Statuses

Status Description


None of the data for the specified Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions has changed.


OK - No Data. The calculation was run, but calculations were not run for no data.


OK - System Changed. A change has occurred that may affect the data for the specified Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions. For example, a new rules file, metadata file, or member list file has been loaded, or the currency rate has changed. The data itself, such as a value of 10,000 has not changed. Rather, some change has taken place, perhaps in a dimension member attribute. For example, the number of decimals associated with the account was set to two, requiring the value to be changed to 10,000.00.


Needs Calculation. At least one data cell for the specified Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions changed, or metadata parameters or rules have changed. As a result, because calculation was not run, other data cells in this dimension may not be current. For base-level entities, you may have entered the data cell through data entry or by a data file load. For any entity, the data cell may have been entered by a journal posting.


Needs Calculation - No Data. This indicates the first time that calculation will be performed on the cell.


Needs Translation. The selected Value dimension member is not the entity’s default currency, and its translated values may not be current.


Needs Translation - No Data. This indicates the first time that translation will be performed on the cell.


Needs Consolidation. The data for the specified Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions may not be current because any of the following items changed:

  • Data for a child entity

  • Data for the entity's default currency

  • Metadata parameters or rules


Needs Consolidation - No Data. The parent has no data, but data for a child entity changed. This indicates the first time that consolidation will be performed on the cell.


The data for the specified Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions has been locked by an administrator. The data can no longer be modified manually or through calculations.


You can use the Allocation function to modify data in a locked destination POV.


No data exists for the specified Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions.


The user does not have rights for the specified dimension member.

To view calculation status:

  1. Open a data grid.
  2. From Grid Display Options, for Cell, select Calculation Status.