Selecting Rows and Columns for the Report

You can select the rows and columns to display on the report. You can change these selections at any time.

The rows can display Entity Currency, Entity Curr Adjs, Entity Curr Total, Parent Currency, Parent Curr Adjs, Parent Curr Total, Parent Adjs, Parent Total, Proportion, Elimination, Contribution, Contribution Adjs, and Contribution Total.

The columns display the amount, Custom accounts, ICP, debits, credits, ID, or remarks.

You can suppress the display of some transaction details or dimensions by deselecting the applicable options. For example, if you want the report to show only the journal details, you can deselect all other row display options, leaving only the journals option selected. If you want to also suppress the Custom columns because they are not used for the account, you can deselect these options from the column display.

The Value column contains all of the Value members. If the currency of the parent member is the same as the currency of the entity, the system skips the display of the Parent Currency related Value members because it is duplicate information. The Amount column contains the amount from the data subcube. The amounts for each transaction detail are stored in the Debit or Credit column, depending on the sign of the data cell.

The Remarks column contains additional information about the amount. Depending on the Value dimension, you can have several possible remark comments such as whether the amount is Input, Calculated, or Derived, or uses the Nature parameter for auditing transactions. It can also contain information about prior records. One of the main purposes of the Entity Detail Transaction Report is to show all of the transaction records that made up the amount stored in the database. Prior LID, Journals, and Transactions remarks indicate that the amount stored in the database could be from line item details, journal adjustments, consolidation eliminations, as well as derived data from prior periods.

Table 4-4 Possible Values for the Remark Column

Value Dimension Remark

Entity Currency

  • Input

  • Calculated

  • Prior LID

  • Derived


  • Calculated

  • Group Label

  • Prior Journals

  • Derived


  • Nature

  • Prior Transactions

  • Derived

To select report rows and columns:

  1. From a data grid, select the cell for which to view entity transaction detail.
  2. Right-click and select Entity Details.

    The report is displayed in a separate browser window.

  3. Select View, then Rows, and then select rows to display, or select Show All.
  4. Select View, then Columns, and then select columns to display, or select Show All.
  5. Optional: To show or hide columns, select View, then Columns, then Manage Columns, and use the arrow keys to move columns to the Hidden or Visible column lists.
  6. Optional: To reorder columns, select View, then Reorder Columns, use the Up and Down arrows to reorder the columns and click OK.