Accessing the Entity Detail Report using an External URL

You can access the Entity Detail Report from an external link that you set up. You specify a URL that includes the application name and POV information. From the URL, you can access the Entity Detail Report and also drill down into the corresponding journals.

To access the Entity Detail Report from an external URL:

  1. Create an application, and then load application elements, data, and journals.
  2. Create a data form.
  3. Right-click and select Entity Details, and then expand the dialog box to view the journal ID.
  4. Click the Journal ID link and ensure that it opens the Journals page.
  5. Form the encoded external URL based on the POV.

    Note that you must manually create the URL. It must include the module, extcaller, uitask, app_instance_id, and povstring.

  6. Log off from the current session.
  7. To test the link, enter the URL that you created, enter the password, and from the Entity Detail page, click the journal ID link. The Journals page should display.