Data File Example

Following is an example of a data file. Load files are divided into sections. Each exclamation mark (!) indicates the beginning of a section. The exclamation mark must be followed by a valid section name. Each apostrophe (') starts a comment line. Use one of these file delimiter characters to separate information in a data file:

, ~ @ $ % & ^ | : ; ? \


You can use any of the valid characters as long as the character is not used in the file name or in any other way in the file. For example, if you are using the ampersand (&) in an entity member name, you cannot use the ampersand as the delimiter character. You must use the same delimiter character throughout the file. Using different delimiter characters within the same file causes an error when you load the file.

!Column_Order = Scenario, Year, Period, View, Entity, Value, Account, ICP, Flows, Market, Region, CostCenter
‘Budget data for six months.
Budget; 2014; July; Periodic; Connecticut; USD; Sales;[ICP None]; Flows; Market; Region; CostCenter; 1200000
Budget; 2014; August; Periodic; Connecticut; USD; Sales; [ICP None]; Flows; Market; Region; CostCenter; 1100000
Budget; 2014; September; Periodic; Connecticut; USD; Sales;[ICP None]; Flows; Market; Region; CostCenter; 11500000
Budget; 2014; October; Periodic; Connecticut; USD; Sales;[ICP None]; Flows; Market; Region; CostCenter; 1000000
Budget; 2014; November; Periodic; Connecticut; USD; Sales;[ICP None]; Flows; Market; Region; CostCenter; 1250000
Budget; 2014; December; Periodic; Connecticut; USD; Sales;[ICP None]; Flows; Market; Region; CostCenter; 1200000