Load Example

The following example shows how the load options work. Suppose the following data exists in the application for the Sales and Purchases accounts:

...Sales;... 15
...Purchases;... 10

This data is loaded into the application:

...Sales;... 50
...Sales;... 25
...Sales;... NODATA

The following table displays the effect that load mode selections have on data loaded into an application:

Table 3-2 Load Options Result in Application

Mode Load Data Accumulate Within File Selected
Load Mode Sales Purchases Sales Purchases



Because it is the last entry in the file, NODATA overwrites the Sales value.


This account does not exist in the file.


The values in the file are added up to equal 75. This value (75), overwrites the value of 10 in the application.


This account does not exist in the file.

Replace or

Replace by Security


In the application, the value for this account is cleared. Because it is the last entry in the file, NODATA is entered as the value.


In the application, the value for this account is cleared. Because there is no data for this account in the file, NODATA is entered as the value.


In the application, the value for this account is cleared. The values in the file are added up to equal 75. 75 is entered as the value.


In the application, the value for this account is cleared. There are no values in the file for this account, so NODATA is entered as the value.



The system adds the values for the same POVs in the data file and adds the total to the value in the application.

Therefore, 75 is added to 15.


There are no values in the file to add to the value.