
Select the Replace option to replace the data in the application with the data in the load file. For each unique combination of Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value in the data file, the Replace option clears all account values from the application, then loads the value from the data file.


If you have multiple values in the file for the same unique combination of dimensions, the system loads only the value for the last entry.

If you select the Accumulate Within File option in conjunction with the Replace option, the system clears the value from the application, adds all values for the same point of view in the data file, and loads the total.

You can achieve the same result as using the Replace option with the Accumulate Within File option by using the Database Management module. You can organize the data in the file into groups based on Scenario, Year, Entity, Value, and Period.

Use the Clear Data tab in the Database Management module to clear each unique combination of these dimensions, selecting all accounts including system accounts. Enter the data manually in a data grid, or load or copy the data into the application using the Merge or Accumulate load options. When you perform the Clear operation for a period in a subcube, data, cell text, and line item detail are cleared, but cell attachments are not cleared.


You may need to create several small files to load a data file using the Replace mode, especially if the data is very large or if the file contains ownership data. An error message is displayed if the file is too large when you try to load it.

If you load data using the Replace mode, and the system contains data for a subsequent period, the subsequent period's data may be accumulated in the file. If this occurs, reload the data using the same View in the data file as the default View of the Scenario. For example, if the Scenario default view is YTD, reload YTD data instead of Periodic data. When you load an interim period, also include and load all subsequent periods in the same data file.