Displaying IC Transaction Report Rows

You can select specific rows to restrict the report to certain types of transactions. After you specify criteria for the report, only the transactions that meet the filter criteria are processed for the report. For example, you can display only the transactions that are matched and posted, or select transactions from a specific range of dates.

To display IC transaction report rows:

  1. Open or create a new report.
  2. From Row Filter, enter an ID, or leave blank to display all.
    • Transaction ID

    • Transaction Sub ID

    • Reference ID

  3. Optional: Filter rows by Transaction criteria, or leave blank to display all:
    • Amount From and To

    • Start Date and End Date

    • Reason Code

    • Match Code

    • Transaction Currency

  4. From Include, select one or more options: Matched, Unmatched, Mismatched, Posted, or Unposted.
  5. For Display, select Entity Transactions, Partner Transactions, or both.
  6. Optional: To display only the subtotal row instead of all transaction details, select Suppress Details.