Calculating Equity Pickup Adjustments

To enable calculation of Equity Pickup (EPU) adjustments, the application administrator must create a section in the Rules file named SUB EquityPickUp, where EPU calculations are defined. For information on equity pickup rules, see the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

To calculate EPU adjustments, you can use the Run Equity Pickup option or the Force Equity Pickup option. After EPU calculation is run for one or multiple pairs of entities, the EPU status for the pair changes to OK, unless an additional change occurs due to another process.

The Run option runs EPU calculations only on pairs (Owner, Owned), with an EPU calculation status of Impacted. EPU pairs are impacted if the calculation status of the Owner, Owned, or any EPU descendant of the Owned entity has changed. After EPU calculation, EPU status changes to OK, unless an additional change occurs due to another process.

The Force Equity Pickup option runs EPU calculations on all pairs for the selected Scenario, Year, and Period, regardless of status.

You can calculate EPU adjustments from the Manage Equity Pickup task, data grids, data forms, or Process Control. To calculate EPU adjustments, you must be assigned the Manage Ownership and Run EquityPickup security roles.

To calculate EPU:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Data, and then Equity Pickup.
  2. Use one of these methods:
    • From the Manage Equity Pickup page, click Run EPU or Force EPU, or select Actions, and then Run EPU, or Actions, and then Force EPU.

    • From a data grid, data form, or Process Control, right-click and select Run EPU or Force EPU.

  3. Click Refresh.