Setting Grid Dimension Options

You can set options for displaying dimensions in data grids. You can set the order in which dimensions are displayed in the POV bar, hide POV dimensions that you do not use frequently, or use dimension members from the background POV that is saved and shared among modules. These options are saved when you save the data grid definition.

You can enter dimension names in a comma-separated list, or select available dimensions from a pop-up dialog box. You can enter the long dimension name (for example, Scenario), or short dimension name (for example, S).

To set dimension options:

  1. Open a data grid.

    If the Grid Designer is not displayed, from the toolbar, click Grid Designer, or select Actions, and then Grid Designer.

  2. From the right panel, expand Dimension Options.
  3. For Dimension Order, use one of these methods to reorder dimensions:
    • Enter dimension names in a comma-separated list in the order in which you want them to display on the POV bar.


      To view more dimensions without scrolling, click the More... icon at the top left of the text box.

    • Alternatively, click the Arrows icon (ordering arrows ) next to the text box. From the Reorder Dimensions dialog box, select the dimensions to reorder, use the arrow keys to move them up or down, and then click OK.

      To return the dimensions to the default order, clear the content of the textbox. Click the Arrows icon next to the text box and from the Reorder Dimensions dialog box, click OK.

  4. For Do not display in POV, enter any dimension names that you do not want to display in the POV.


    To view more dimensions without scrolling, click the More... icon at the top left of the text box.

    Alternatively, click the Edit icon (Edit icon) next to the text box, select dimensions, and then click OK.

  5. For Retrieve from User POV, enter dimension names for which you want to use the members from the background POV.


    To view more dimensions without scrolling, click the More... icon at the top left of the text box.

    Alternatively, click the Edit icon (Edit icon) next to the text box, select dimensions, and then click OK.