Viewing Cell Information

You can view information for any cell in data grids. Cell information includes information about the point of view such as the process unit, point of view detail, and View. It also includes status information, such as calculation status, process level, and security access. If the application uses process management submission phases, cell information includes the submission phase to which the cell is assigned for the scenario and period.

The cell information displays the base input currency value. The stored data is the amount stored in the database, which is always in units. The full resolution data is the amount entered, with the decimal and thousand separator defined in user preferences.

The displayed data is the amount displayed for the cell using the decimal places for the account. The displayed data might appear different than the data stored because of rounding, based on the number of decimal places that you select to display.

For example, suppose you have an account that specifies 0 for the decimal place, the currency of the entity has a scale of 3, and your user preferences specifies the comma (,) as the thousands separator and the period (.) as the decimal separator. If you enter the amount 12345.6789, the cell information is displayed as follows:

Displayed data = 12,346 (rounding to display 0 decimal places) Full resolution data = 12,345.6789 Stored data=12345678.9 (stored in units)

To view cell information:

  1. Open a data grid.
  2. Select the cell for which to view information.
  3. Right-click and select Cell Information.
  4. View the cell information, and click OK.