Editing Intercompany Transactions

You can edit a transaction to change information or add comments to a transaction. You can make changes as long as the transaction has not been matched or posted. To make changes to a transaction that has been posted, you must first unpost the transaction. If you want to make changes to a transaction that has a Matched status, you must first unmatch the transaction, which also unmatches all of the related transactions in the same matching process with the same match code. If the transaction has a Mismatched status, any changes will change the status from Mismatched to Unmatched, with the exception of assigning a reason code to a Mismatched transaction, or entering comments for a Mismatched transaction.

After the transaction is saved, you can edit the Transaction ID, Sub ID, Entity, Partner, Account, or Custom dimensions for the original transaction. When you save the edited transaction, the system replaces the original transaction with the new information.

To edit intercompany transactions:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Intercompany, and then Manage.
  2. From the list of intercompany transactions, select the transaction to edit.
  3. From the Point of View bar, select a scenario, year, and base period.
  4. Edit the transaction.
  5. To save the changes, from the top of the Edit Intercompany Transactions pane, click Save, or select Actions and then Save.