Extracting Data

Use the procedure in this section to extract data as flat files.


You can also extract data to a database. See the Extracting Data to a Database section in the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Administrator's Guide.

You can extract base-level input data and some types of calculated data from an application. By default, data files use the .DAT file extension. After you extract data to a data file, you can view and modify it in a text editor.

To extract Calculated Data and Derived Data, you must have the Extended Analytics security role.

When you extract data, you must specify a member for the Scenario and Year dimensions. You can specify one or more members for the Period, Entity, and Account dimensions.

You can also extract these types of calculated data:

  • Consolidated data for parent entities

  • Base accounts and custom dimension members that are calculated by rules

  • Parent accounts that intersect with their respective CustomTopMember and ICPTopMember. If the CustomTop metadata attribute is blank or ALL, the [None] member is used. Only valid data intersections are extracted. For each unique point of view, data is presented in a data line in the file. Group headings are not created.

When you select options for extracting data, you can save the selections as a template. The template stores the current Type, Extract Format, Point of View, and selected options. When you select a saved template, the extract options are populated with the default values.

Make sure that you set up a directory for log files and extracted files. The log file stores information about the process, such as the start and end time of the extract and the number of extracted records.