Managing Journal Periods

Before you can work with journals, you must open the time periods for the journals. By default, all periods have an initial status of Unopened. You can open and close periods at any time, but you cannot change an opened period to unopened.


To manage journal periods, you must have the Administrator or Journals Administrator security role.

Viewing Periods

You can filter the list of journal periods by selecting a scenario and year and by selecting the period status; for example, Opened, Closed, or Unopened.

To view periods:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Journals, and then Periods.

  2. From Scenario and Year, select a scenario and year for which to view periods.

Opening and Closing Periods

Before you can post journals, you must open the time periods for each scenario to which you want to post. You cannot post journals to an unopened or closed period.

By default, all periods have an initial status of Unopened. You can open and close periods at any time, but you cannot change an opened period to unopened.

You cannot close a period if there are unposted auto-reversals in the period. If you close a period that contains approved journals, a warning message is displayed.

To open or close periods:

  1. Select Consolidation, then Journals, and then Periods.

  2. For Scenario and Year, select members of the periods that you want to open.

  3. Select the periods to open or close.

  4. Take one of these actions:

    • To open the selected periods, click Open, or select Actions, and then Open.

    • To close the selected periods, click Close, or select Actions, and then Close.