Loading Submission Groups

In the Load Data task, you can load and extract Process Management Phased Submission groups. The load file cannot contain both submission phase records and data records. The submission phase number must be between 1 and 9 (inclusive) and the group number must be between 0 and 99 (inclusive).

No period can have a duplicate submission group assigned for phases 1-9. If duplicates are assigned, the entire load for that period is ignored and returned to the status before the load.

In Replace mode, all data for the period is cleared before new group/phase assignments are processed for that period, and new data replaces old data.

Example: Scenario=Actual; Period=January has these assignments: Phase=1, Groups=1,3,5, and Phase=2, Groups=2, 4, 6.

If you load the following data:


All data for January (including Phase 2 assignments) is cleared, and the final result is as follows:


In Merge mode, the new group/phase assignments for the period override the assignments for the same groups, but keep the assignments for other groups. If an error is detected for a period, all new assignments for that period are ignored.

After you load a submission group file to an application, users using the application are notified that the system has changed and that they must log off from the application and log back on.

The load format is as follows:

<scenario>;<period>;<phase#>;<”group assignment”>

Load File Example


To load submission groups, see Loading Data.