Process Control Email Content

The Subject line of the email alert displays the process review action, the review level after the action, and the entity, period, year, and scenario information.

For example, the email subject line for the following review action notifies users that the process unit for the France entity for the Actual scenario in January has been rejected and returned to Review Level 3:

Subject: Reject RL3 - France, January, 2012, Actual

The email content contains the following information regarding the action performed and the process unit:

Action: review action performed

Comment: additional comments to be included in the email

Process unit information: list of entities in the review action

Entity label - Entity description, Period, Year, Scenario, Review Level prior to action, Review Level after the action

The following figure shows a sample process control email alert:

Sample email alert

The process for sending process control alerts is different from that of intercompany transactions, where you can enter comments when you send the alert. Since the system generates process control alerts, it enables you to include additional comments in the content, and then includes the comments when generating the alerts. The additional comments are included in all the alerts generated from one review action. Therefore, all users in a specific distribution list receive the same comment information.