Viewing Journal Status

The journal status column (ECA, PCA, PA, or CA) displays the status of journals for the entities in the selected entity list. The column title varies based on the member selected for data view: Local, Translation, or Contribution.

For Local data view, the column displays the status of the Entity Currency Adjustments (ECA).

For Translation data view, the column displays the status of the Parent Currency Adjustments (PCA).

For Consolidation data view, the system displays one column for the status of the Parent Adjustments (PA) and one column for the Contribution Adjustments (CA).

In the journal status column, a green flag indicates that there are no unposted journals. A red flag indicates that unposted journals must be posted for the entity.

When you hover over the cursor over the journal status flag, the system displays the number of unposted journals to which the entity has security access. When you click the flag, the system opens the Journals module so that you can view the unposted journals for the selected process unit. You can then post the journals that need posting.


Only the list of unposted journals to which you have security access is displayed.

To view the journal status:

  1. From Process Control, select the entity TopMember for which to show journal status.

    The journal status is displayed in the ECA, PCA, PA, or CA Status column.

  2. Optional: If the column displays a red flag indicating unposted journals for a process unit, click the flag to open the Journals module and view the unposted journals.