Changing Database Passwords

For Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products that require a database repository, when you change a database password, for example to comply with your company's password change policy, you must update the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry so that EPM System components can connect to the database using the new password.

Assumptions and Prerequisites

  • You installed and configured EPM System products using the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Standard Deployment Guide or the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • You made a backup of the database.

  • Using the database administration console, you changed the password of the user account that was used to configure the Shared Services Registry or product repository database.

  • In a single-machine deployment, or in a distributed deployment in which you run EPM System Configurator from the Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services machine, WebLogic Administration Server must be stopped.

  • In a distributed environment, when you run EPM System Configurator from a machine other than the Foundation Services machine, WebLogic Administration Server must be running.

Changing the Shared Services Registry Database Password

To update the database password for the Shared Services Registry database:

  1. Stop EPM System Java web applications, services, and processes.

  2. On the machine hosting Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, change to EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin and launch configtool.bat|.sh.

  3. On the "Shared Services and Registry Database Configuration" page, select Connect to a previously configured Shared Services database and enter the new database password.

  4. On the Task Selection page, if other products use the Shared Services database, select the Configure Database tasks for those products.

  5. If you selected any other products, on the "Database Configuration" page, enter the new database password.

  6. If you are prompted to choose whether to Drop and recreate tables or Reuse the existing database, select Reuse the existing database.

  7. Continue the configuration, and click Finish when you are done.

  8. Restart WebLogic Administration Server if it is down, the Java web applications, services, and processes.

  9. If you are working in a distributed environment, repeat the steps to configure the Shared Services Registry database on each machine in the deployment.

Changing EPM System Component Repository Database Passwords

To change the database password for EPM System components other than Shared Services:

  1. Stop EPM System Java web applications, services, and processes.

  2. From the machine hosting the component whose database password changed, change to EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin and launch configtool.bat|.sh.

  3. On the Task Selection page, select Configure Database for all the products in this instance whose database password has changed.


    • If you change the password for the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management database schema, you must also select the Deploy to Application Server in addition to Configure Database task.
    • If the Financial Management server is configured to use SSL for database connections, after running the Configure Database task for HFM, you will need to update the EPM registry again following the steps listed in Configuring HFM server to use SSL database connections. Note that either the Registry report or the EPM Deployment report can be reviewed to confirm the location of the ODBC_TRUSTSTORE file.
  4. Enter the new password.

  5. When you are prompted to choose whether to Drop and recreate tables or Reuse the existing database, select Reuse the existing database.

  6. Continue the configuration, and click Finish when you are done.

  7. Restart WebLogic Administration Server if it is down, the database, the Java web applications, services, and processes.

Changing the Data Relationship Management Repository Password

To change the Oracle Data Relationship Management repository password for an application:

  1. Stop Data Relationship Management.

  2. In the database, change the password.

  3. Open the Data Relationship Management console.

  4. Go to Configuration.

  5. Select the appropriate application using the arrow controls.

  6. In Repository Configuration, enter the new password.

  7. To test the new password, click Test Connection.

    You should see the message "Connection Succeeded!"

  8. Click Save Configuration to commit the new password, in encrypted form, to the configuration file.

  9. Restart the application or the Data Relationship Management service.

Validating the Database Password Changes

To validate the database configuration changes:

  1. Launch Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Diagnostics using one of the following methods:

    • (Windows) In /bin, double-click validate.bat.

    • From the Start Menu, choose Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation Services, then instanceName, and then EPM System Diagnostics.

    • (Linux) From a console, change to /bin, and then enter

    Progress is shown in the command window.

  2. To view results, navigate to /diagnostics/reports and open validation_report_date_time.html.