Destination/Middleware Home

Specify the destination for the installation location, or browse to a location and select it, and then click or select Next. The default location is Oracle/Middleware.

The destination you specify becomes the Middleware home. By default EPM System Installer creates a default EPM Oracle home under the Middleware home. The default location is Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1.

See About Middleware Home, EPM Oracle Home, and EPM Oracle Instance.

Do not use any of the following symbol combinations in the directory that you specify for EPM_ORACLE_HOME during installation:


Note the following information about the Middleware home:

  • Ensure that this destination has enough disk space to install all the products that you want to install on this machine.

    See Disk Space and RAM for disk space requirements.

  • You select a Middleware home for each machine in your environment.

    In a distributed environment, EPM Oracle home must be the same on each machine. For example, if the path for EPM Oracle home is /Oracle/Middleware on the first machine you configure, it must be /Oracle/Middleware on all the machines in the deployment.

  • If you are reinstalling Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products on this machine or adding products to your installation, the existing location for the Middleware home is listed as the default installation destination, and you cannot change it.

  • The destination path cannot contain spaces; for example, <Local Drive>:\Program Files is not acceptable (unless you use short path notation).

  • The first character must be an alphanumeric character.


If you previously used EPM System Installer, and you saved the installation selections to a file, you can load the selections to prepopulate the installation destination and the products to install. Doing so is useful if you are installing the same products on multiple machines. Click Load, browse to the saved selections file, and click Open.