Configure Web Server

Specify web server information, or click or select Next to accept the defaults.

Information in this page comes from applications already deployed and recorded in the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry and applications you are deploying in this configuration sequence.

If you deploy any additional products, reconfigure the web server and then restart it (or simply restart it if you configured Oracle HTTP Server to a shared drive) on each machine hosting Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services.

Then, refresh Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace on each Foundation Services host machine in your deployment.


Enabling SSL for the web server requires manual configuration. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide.

The following table describes options for the web server configuration.

EPM System Configurator Fields Description Your Information

Web Server Type

Select the web server.

If you are using Oracle HTTP Server, you can configure to a shared drive location to simplify configuration in a distributed environment. Click Advanced Options and then specify the shared drive location. This shared location must be accessible from all web servers in the deployment and must a UNC path, not a mapped drive.


Web Server Port

Specify the web server port. If you use SSL, ensure that the port number that you enter is a secure port.

Set the logical web address for the web applications to this web server

Select this option if you want EPM System Configurator to set the logical web address for all Java web applications to the web server. Use this option if you want to use the web server as the load balancer.

If you do not select this option, EPM System Configurator uses the address of the physical Java web application as the logical address.



Review the components for which the web server is being configured.