Financial Management — Configure Server

Specify the server information, or click or select Next to accept the defaults.

EPM System Configurator Fields Description Your Information

Review or change the default port number on which Oracle Hyperion Financial Management listens for client requests. If you change the default value, enter a port number that is not used by other programs. Select Active to enable the server to listen on this port.

SSL Port

Review or change the SSL port on which Financial Management listens for client requests. If you change the default value, enter a port number that is not used by other programs. Select Active to enable the server to listen on this port.


Max App Server Delay

Accept the default value or enter the time interval in seconds between when a change is made to an application and when the change is visible to users accessing the application through another application server.


Max Data Sync Delay

Accept the default value or enter the time interval in seconds between when a change is made to data and when the change is visible to users accessing the data through another application server.

Database Connection Pool Size

Specify the number of maximum pooled relational database connections for the application. Financial Management requires approximately 25 relational database connections per application.

Start Port

Accept the default number or enter the first port number in the range for the datasource connection.

End Port

Accept the default number or enter the last port number in the range for the datasource connection.