Configure EPM Oracle Instance

Specify a new or an existing EPM Oracle instance for the deployment.

EPM System Configurator deploys dynamic components of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products (components that can change during run-time) in the EPM Oracle instance directory. The default EPM Oracle instance location is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1.

Typically, if you are installing all products on a single machine, for the first product you configure, create a new EPM Oracle instance. For each product after that, modify the existing EPM Oracle instance.

If you are installing in a distributed environment, create a new EPM Oracle instance on each machine.

You can scale up or scale out by installing and configuring additional instances. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Deployment Options Guide.

The following table describes options for EPM Oracle Instance configuration.

EPM System Configurator Description Your Information
Home directory for EPM Oracle instances

Specify the directory in which to create the EPM Oracle instance. The default EPM Oracle instance location is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects. To modify an existing EPM Oracle instance, browse to the EPM Oracle instance location.

EPM Oracle Instance name Specify a name for the EPM Oracle instance. The default EPM Oracle instance name is epmsystem1. To modify an existing EPM Oracle instance, specify the EPM Oracle instance name.