Replacing the EPM System-Installed Oracle Database Client with A Different Oracle Database Client

If you want to use your existing Oracle Database Client instead of the one installed with EPM System, and you already installed the Oracle Database Client during installation of EPM System, then, after installing and configuring Oracle EPM System, perform the following steps.

  1. On the machine hosting Foundation Services, update the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to point to the location of the existing Oracle Database Client's tnsnames.ora file location.

  2. Move TNS entries from EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/user_projects/config/dbclient/tnsnames.ora to the existing tnsnames.ora file. Copy the entire file contents and append to the existing contents of your tnsnames.ora file.

  3. Remove the following EPM System embedded Oracle Database Client BIN paths from the PATH environment variable in order to avoid conflicts:
