Configure KSS Keystore

  1. Sign in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control 12c:
    The default Administration Server port number is 7001.
  2. Create a stripe and name it owsm
    1. In the content pane, select WebLogic Domain, then Security, and then Keystore.

      Content Pane

    2. Click Create Stripe.

      Create Stripe page

    3. Enter owsm and then, click OK.
  3. Create a keystore named keystore in the owsm stripe.
    1. Select the owsm stripe you created and click Create Keystore.

      Create Keystore page

    2. Name this keystore keystore.
    3. Set the protection type to Policy. (Password protected KSS keystores are not supported in this release.)
    4. Clear the Grant Permission check box.
    5. Do not specify a code base URL.
    6. Click OK.
  4. Select the keystore you just created and click Manage.

    Manage Certificates dialog

    1. Click Generate Keypair to generate a private/public key pair.

      Generate Keypair dialog

    2. Specify an alias such as orakey for the key pair and enter the other information as appropriate.
    3. Click OK.
  5. On the Manage Ceritifcates page, select orakey and click Import to import the trusted certificate. The Import Certificate dialog appears:

    Import Certificate dialog

    1. Select the certificate type, either Certificate or Trusted Certificate, from the drop-down.
    2. Select the alias from the drop-down.
    3. Specify the certificate source. If using the Paste option, copy and paste the certificate directly into the text box. If using the File Name option, click Browse to select the file from the operating system.
    4. Click OK. The imported certificate or trusted certificate appears in the list of certificates.

  6. In the content pane, navigate to WebLogic Domain, then Web Services, then WSM Domain Configuration. If you encounter any error, ensure that you have started the SOA managed server (soa_Server1).
    1. Click Manage Security and enter the following details:

      Manage Security dialog

    2. Click Apply.
  7. Additionally ensure if credential store map is created by default or not. If the credential store map was not created, you must create it before you can use the credential store to store user credentials.
    1. In the content pane, navigate to WebLogic Domain, then Security, then Credentials.
    2. Click Create Map.
    3. Specify the Map Name as and then, click OK.
    4. Click Create Key. Enter the information as appropriate. For example:

      Create Key dialog

    5. Create another key and name it as orakey. Click OK.
    6. The following dialog appears:

      Succesfully Created Key

  8. In the content pane, click Weblogic, and then click logout.
  9. Stop the servers:
    1. To stop the WebLogic Administration Server:
    2. To stop the SOA Managed Server
      MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainName/stopWebLogic.cmd soa_server1
  10. After configuring the KSS Keystore, you must:
    1. Start WebLogic Admin Server and the SOA managed server.
    2. Run DeployToSOA.cmd command. For example:
      <Local Drive>:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\config\>deployToSoa.cmd <Local Drive>:\Oracle\Middleware <Local Drive>:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1