Updating RCU Schema Properties

Update RCU schema properties on each machine in your environment.

  1. Navigate to EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/config/

  2. Provide the required database details. If you are using Oracle database, provide the database details for the RCU database you created.

    These properties are used during configuration.

    • sysDBAUser—The sysdba user for RCU

    • sysDBAPassword

      1. The sysdba password for RCU.
      2. The maximum password length is 16 characters.
    • rcuSchemaPassword

      1. RCU schema password created while running RCU.
      2. The maximum password length is 16 characters.
      1. The password can contain alphabets, numbers, and the following special characters: $, #, _
      2. Password should not start with a number or special character.
    • schemaPrefix—The schema prefix used to create RCU. (Make sure it is the same as the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry database user)


      In a distributed environment, for each machine, specify the prefix you created for that machine.
    • dbURL—For example: dbURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port:sid

The passwords are encrypted.

Enter these properties once before configuring. You don't need to make subsequent updates if you reconfigure or redeploy.

Notes for dbURL:

  • Format for Oracle Database with SID:


  • Format for Oracle Database with service name:




  • Format for Microsoft SQL Server, with SID, using the name for database you already created:


    For Microsoft SQL Server, update the RCUschema.properties file, using the following as an example:

    sysDBAUser= EPMLogin
    sysDBAPassword=<The sysdba password for RCU>
    schemaPrefix=<The schema prefix used to create RCU>
    rcuSchemaPassword=<you are prompted for schema password in the script>

Updating RCU Schema Properties For Essbase only

  1. schemaPrefixEssbase — The schema prefix used to create RCU for Essbase. Ensure that the prefix value is distinct and not the same as the schemaPrefix value.


    • Schema prefix name must be a minimum of one character in length and cannot exceed 12 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) in length (not including the underscore character). Prefixes should not start with a number. No whitespace or special characters are allowed.
    • The EPM Configurator will create the Essbase RCU schema based on the value entered in the schemaPrefixEssbase.
  2. dbURLEssbase — The database URL for Essbase. For example:hostname:port:sid

Notes for dbURLEssbase:

  • Format for SSL



    TNS_ADMIN must point to a folder containing sqlnet.ora, tnsnames.ora, a wallet, and ojdbc.properties files.
  • Format for Oracle:


  • Format for Oracle Database with service name:




  • Format for Oracle Database with PDB:


  • Format for Microsoft SQL Server using the name for database you already created:


See Applying an Update Installation Checklist if you are performing an update (from 11.2.x to 11.2.15).