Upgrading Checklist

The following table identifies the high-level tasks that you perform to upgrade Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products. You must perform tasks in this order and you must complete the entire checklist.

The process described in this chapter assumes that you upgrade one product at a time and indicates where a sequence is required.

Table 11-1 Upgrading Checklist

Task Reference
Go through the tasks in the following section once for all EPM System products at one time.
Preparing to Upgrade

1. Review release compatibility, system requirements, and other prerequisites for this release.

If your database environment needs to be upgraded, perform the database upgrade before you proceed. See the database documentation for details.

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Certification Matrix (https://www.oracle.com/middleware/technologies/bi-foundation/hyperion-supported-platforms.html)

2. Prepare the new environment for the new Release 11.2 installation.

In preparation for a new installation, you can use a worksheet to note the machines on which earlier release products are installed, and the machines on which you plan to install the new release products. You can refer to this information in subsequent procedures.

Create new repositories in preparation for migrating or copying data as described in Preparing a Database.

Preparing Your Environment

3. Perform upgrade-specific prerequisite tasks.

Upgrade Installation Prerequisites

4. Prepare artifacts, applications, data, and security information from your Release environment for upgrading. You can perform this task for each product in any order.

Preparing Artifacts and Data for Upgrading

5. Download and prepare the installation files.

Downloading Files for Installation
Iterate through the remaining checklist items for each product, one product at a time, in the following order:
  • Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services
  • Oracle Essbase Server and all other Essbase products. Note that after configuring other products, you must also configure the web server. After configuration, restart the web Server and Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace.
  • All other EPM System products, in any order. Note that after configuring each product, you must also configure the Web server. After configuration, restart the Web Server and EPM Workspace.

Installing and Configuring  

6. Install EPM System Release 11.2 products (choosing the New installation option) in a new installation location.

Installing EPM System Products for an Upgrade
7. Before configuring Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, restore the schema. Restoring the Financial Management Schema

8. Configure Release 11.2 products, one at a time.

You must configure Foundation Services first. Foundation Services must be installed and configured for other products to configure successfully.

If you have already configured the web server and you configure any additional products, you must run EPM System Configurator again and select the Foundation Services Configure Web Server task. Then, restart the web server and EPM Workspace.

Note: When you upgrade Financial Management, special steps are required during configuration.

Configuring EPM System Products for an Upgrade

9. Start EPM System services.

Starting and Stopping EPM System Products

10. Using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Diagnostics, validate the installation.

Validating the Installation and Verifying Deployment
11. Configure any external authentication directories that were used in Release Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide
12. Install and configure Oracle Data Relationship Management if you are using it, following the steps for upgrading from Release Data Relationship Management Installation Guide
Import applications, data, security, and other artifacts  

13. Import artifacts including applications, data, and security information. Note the required sequence:

  1. Users and groups.
  2. Applications and data.
  3. Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager artifacts.
  4. Provisioning information and taskflows.

Note: Before you perform this step, make sure you have moved the LCM export files that you exported from Release to the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management Release 11.2 LCM Export Import Location that you defined during configuration.

Importing Artifacts and Data for Release 11.2
14. If you were working with Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect-based applications in Release, and want to manage metadata in Data Relationship Management in Release 11.2, import Performance Management Architect application metadata for your product into Data Relationship Management, and manage the metadata as needed in preparation for importing metadata to your Release 11.2 application.

Note: This step is required for Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management (Standard and Detailed applications). It is also required for Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, and Financial Management if you want to manage metadata in Data Relationship Management.

Importing Performance Management Architect Application Metadata into Data Relationship Management
15. If you are using Data Relationship Management to manage metadata, export metadata from Data Relationship Management and import it to your applications.

Note: This step is required for Profitability and Cost Management (Standard and Detailed applications). It is also required for Essbase, Planning, and Financial Management if you want to manage metadata in Data Relationship Management.

Exporting from Data Relationship Management and Importing to EPM Applications
16. Perform required manual configuration tasks for Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management. Performing Manual Configuration Tasks in a New Deployment

17. Restart EPM System services and re-run EPM System Diagnostics.

Validating the Installation and Verifying Deployment