Migrating the FDMEE Schema (Oracle Database)

Exporting the FDMEE Schema from Release (Oracle Database)

Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition Release 11.2 includes a utility —aif_export.par—to export data from the Release environment.

To export the FDMEE schema from Release

  1. In the Release environment, execute the Data Pump command from the Oracle Data Pump location on the database server to export the data. For example:
    expdp  parfile=<DIR PATH>/aif_export.par

    Enter user credentials for the FDMEE schema.

    Export produces the export data file in the default Data Pump output directory (\Oracle\admin\orcl\dpdump). The export filename is aif_objects.dmp.

  2. Copy aif_objects.dmp to a location accessible to the Oracle Data Pump location on the database server in the Release 11.2 environment.

See the Oracle Database Utilities guide on the Oracle Help Center to familiarize yourself with the Oracle Data Pump Utility.

Importing the FDMEE Schema to Release 11.2 (Oracle Database)

FDMEE Release 11.2 includes a utility—aif_import.par—to import metadata and data from the aif_objects.dmp file that you exported from Release Use Oracle Data Pump to import the Release schema into the Release 11.2 schema.

To import the FDMEE schema to Release 11.2:

  1. Execute the following command from the Oracle Data Pump location on the Release 11.2 database server to import the data:
    impdp  remap_schema=<SOURCE SCHEMA NAME>:<TARGET SCHEMA NAME> parfile=aif_import.par

    where <SOURCE SCHEMA NAME> is the name of the Release schema.

    where <TARGET SCHEMA NAME> is the name of the Release 11.2 schema.

    aif_import.par imports the metadata and data from aif_objects.dmp to the new schema.

    You can ignore "ORA-31684: Object type INDEX XXXX already exists" error.

  2. After the import process is complete, execute the following SQL in the Release 11.2 database server environment to complete the database configuration. Log in as the user who owns the FDMEE tables for release 11.2: