Preparing Essbase Applications for Upgrading

Use the Essbase 11g LCM Export Utility to export Oracle Essbase applications (metadata and data) from Release 11.2.12+.


This process will convert the existing non-Unicode source applications to Unicode (UTF-8) prior to exporting the artifacts.

To export applications from Essbase Release 11.2.12+:

  1. Download the 11g LCM Export Utility: In the Essbase web interface, click Console, expand Command Line Tools, and download the 11g LCM Export Utility (


    As the 11g LCM Export Utility needs to be downloaded from the target 21c instance (included with Release 11.2.15), make sure the target environment (11.2.15) is ready prior to downloading the 11g LCM Export Utility.
  2. Unzip the file after copying it to the desired location.
    • Use a zip file extraction program that can handle long path names, such as 7-Zip.
    • If you are prompted that any files or common components already exist, click Yes to overwrite the files.

    • Unzip to a directory with no spaces in the name.
  3. Upon unzipping the file, the following files and folders would appear:

    Essbase LCM Utility Zip Folder

  4. Open resources folder and then, open UpgradePS4to21cScripts folder.
  5. Open file and update the following properties:
    EXPORT_PATH = <Any local directory to keep the exported content>
    ESSBASEHOST = http(s)://host:9010/Essbase (target host)
    Update user credentials of target host (Workspace login credentials)
  6. Before running the utility, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:
    • Windows example:
      set JAVA_HOME=<Local Drive>:\Oracle\Middleware_Home\JDK
      set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
    • LINUX example:
      export JAVA_HOME=/Middleware_Home/JDK
      export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  7. From a command prompt, change to the directory to which you unzipped the file, and then run the following command:ExportPS4EssbaseApps.bat.

    It will now export each application separately.

  8. Check the file EssbaseUpgradeStatus.xml, located within the extracted Essbase LCM Utility folder, for the status when the export process is finished. The export process is successful if the task is success in the tag <task status="SUCCESS" taskName="export">. You can disregard any error notifications that are recorded following a success status. For example, you can disregard the errors below:
    Error in getting source partition, please recreate it manually after the migration.
    Error received while retrieving implied share from outline.