Preparing Financial Management Applications for Upgrading (Windows Only)


  • Use the same schema as the source in the target environment.
  • Configure HFM in the target environment only after importing the schemas.
  • During Financial Management target configuration, ensure that you select all the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management configuration options, including Upgrade Applications.

To upgrade Financial Management, have your database administrator export the Financial Management database and restore it to the new database server or schema in the Release 11.2.15 environment.

To prepare applications from Financial Management Release 11.2.12+:

  1. Shut down Financial Management services.
  2. Locate the Financial Management Release 11.2.12+ database or schema.
  3. Export (Oracle) or back up (SQL Server) the Release 11.2.12+ database schema:
    • For Oracle Database, export the Release 11.2.12+ database schemas for Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management using Oracle Data Pump.

      expdp <user>/<password>@<SID> DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir dumpfile=<user.dmp> logfile=exp_user.log SCHEMAS=<schema name to be exported>

      For example:

      expdp <hfm_source>/<password>@<SID> DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir dumpfile=<hfm_source.dmp> logfile=exp_user.log SCHEMAS=<schema name to be exported>

      For Oracle Database 21c - Ensure that you open the pluggable database and set <CONTAINER=PDB NAME> as indicated below, prior to executing the export command:

      expdp <system>/<password>@<PDB SID> DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir dumpfile=<user.dmp> logfile=exp_user.log SCHEMAS=<schema name to be exported>
    • For Oracle Database, copy the schema dump file(s) hfm_source.dmp to a location accessible to the Release 11.2.15 environment.
    • For SQL Server:

      1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio.

      2. Right-click the Financial Management source database and select Tasks and then select Back Up.

      3. In the Back Up Database Wizard, click OK to save all the defaults. A notification confirming the successful completion of the backup is displayed.

      4. Copy the HFM backup file (.bak) that was generated in the previous step to a file system that the target SQL database server (11.2.15) can access.

  4. Restart Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Release 11.2.12+ services.