Preparing Management Ledger Applications for Upgrading

Use the Export Template option to export Management Ledger artifacts from Release

  1. Log in to Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace in the Release environment.
  2. From the Navigate menu, select Administer, and then select Profitability Applications.
  3. Select the application you want to upgrade, and from the Actions menu, select Export Template.
  4. In Export Template, make the following selections and then click OK.

    • Enter an export file name. File names should not include special characters.
    • Select Include Input Data.
    • Select the POVs that you want to migrate.
  5. Log in to the server hosting Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, look for the ZIP file in the LCM import export location (by default, epm_oracle_instance\import_export) and copy it to a location accessible to the Release 11.2 environment.