Cube Deployment Warning for Distributed Environments

Issue: When a cube deployment for Management Ledger Application or for Detailed Application is finished with warnings status (Release or later), review the warning messages. Look for the following warning:

Invalid temporary file location. Unable to write files to <location>

Example location: <Local Drive>:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\import_export


  1. To ascertain whether this is a distributed environment, run a deployment report and review the contents.
  2. If Profitability and Cost Management is configured on one physical server but the Shared Services LCM Import-Export Location Data Directory is on another physical server, identify which of the following tasks are unfinished.
    • LCM Import-Export Location is a shared directory configured within Foundation Common Settings.
    • Foundation Common Settings uses a network user instead of a local login.
    • Both the Profiability service and the Essbase APS runs or starts with a login user with read or write permissions to the Shared LCM Import-Export Location.