Configure Essbase Server

Specify the configuration information for Oracle Essbase Server, or click or select Next to accept the default settings. In general, Oracle recommends that you keep the default settings.

During configuration, EPM System Configurator automatically registers Essbase with Oracle Hyperion Shared Services and writes the Shared Services connection information to essbase.cfg (in ARBORPATH/bin). In addition, it specifies environment variables in a file used to launch Essbase Server.

The following table describes the configuration options for Essbase Server.

Table 6-6 Essbase Server Configuration

EPM System Configurator Fields Description Your Information

Essbase Cluster Name

Specify a cluster name to create a cluster to provide active-passive Essbase failover support with write-back capabilities. You can include only two Essbase instances in a cluster.

When you configure the first instance of Essbase on the first machine, you define the cluster. When you configure the second instance of Essbase on the second machine, select Assign to Existing Cluster, select the cluster, and then click OK to add this Essbase Server to the cluster you created on the first machine.

The Essbase cluster name must be unique in a deployment environment. It cannot contain special characters or spaces.

See "Configuring Active-Passive Essbase Clusters (Windows)" or "Configuring Active-Passive Essbase Clusters (Linux)" in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Deployment Options Guide.


Agent Port Number

Accept the default port number on which the Essbase listens for client requests. If you change the default value, enter a port number that is not used by other programs.

Select Active to enable the agent to listen on this port.


SSL Agent Port Number

Specify the SSL port on which Essbase listens for client requests.

Select Active to enable the agent to listen on this port.


Start Port

Accept the default number or enter the first port number on which the Essbase Server listens for client requests.

The port value is stored in essbase.cfg (in ARBORPATH/bin).


End Port

Enter the greatest port number that Essbase Server can use to connect.

Essbase uses at least two ports for each application. For a large number of applications, you need a larger port range.


Full path to application location (ARBORPATH)

The location for applications.

You can specify the path using universal naming convention (UNC) format.

Oracle recommends using UNC if you are configuring Essbase for high availability on Linux.


Previous versions of Essbase used ARBORPATH to refer to the installation location.

If you are setting up an Essbase cluster on Linux, the application location must be a shared drive or a UNC path. When you configure the second machine in the cluster, the location must match the location you specified for the first machine in the cluster.


Set the language to be used by Essbase (ESSLANG)

The ESSLANG variable is a locale definition. For example, to support American English, set ESSLANG to English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary.

Based on the value you specify, EPM System Configurator updates setEssbaseEnv.bat (in /EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/bin) with the ESSLANG value and Essbase uses this value.

Verify the operating system locale setting on your computer and select the matching ESSLANG value. The ESSLANG setting for a computer must agree with the locale setting of the computer’s operating system.

In addition, on a Windows machine, the ESSLANG value and the system locale must match the language of the Oracle Hyperion Planning application that you plan to take offline.

You must choose the correct ESSLANG setting for Essbase products to start successfully. The ESSLANG setting can affect the function of applications and databases.

On Windows, if ESSLANG is already set on the computer (for example, if you have already installed Essbase), the current value is selected by default.

On Linux platforms, the ESSLANG setting defaults to English (Latin I) regardless of the setting in the operating system.

For more details about ESSLANG, see ESSLANG Variable.

For the full list of supported ESSLANG values, see Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

Binding Host Name Specify a Binding Host Name to have Essbase bind only to the IP address for the specified Binding Host Name. Otherwise, at startup, Essbase binds on all available IP addresses.