Installing EPM System Products

You can install Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products using the graphical user interface, using the console mode interface, or using a silent mode installation response file.

When you install EPM System products, choose which type of installation to perform:

Note the following about installation:

  • If you have already installed Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle WebLogic Server, but have not yet installed EPM System products, during installation, select Apply Maintenance Release first to install the latest WebLogic Server, and then select New Installation to continue with the installation of EPM System products.
  • On Windows machines, do not use the Administrator user to install and configure. Run EPM System Installer and EPM System Configurator as a user with administrator rights. Install, configure and run Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Diagnostics as the same user for all EPM System products.

  • On Linux machines, do not use the root user to install and configure. Install, configure and run EPM System Diagnostics as the same user for all EPM System products. On Linux machines, for all Oracle products, the user that is installing must be part of the same group; the group must have write permission to the central inventory (oraInventory).

  • You cannot run EPM System Installer at the same time that you are running another instance of an Oracle Universal Installer (such as the installer for Oracle Database).

  • Run EPM System Installer from a mapped drive, not from a UNC address.

To install EPM System products:

  1. Choose a method:
    • (Windows) Double-click installTool.cmd in the root directory to which you extracted the EPM System Installer files.

    • (Windows) From a Windows console, change to the root directory to which you extracted the EPM System Installer files and enter installTool.cmd -console.

    • Create a silent installation response file. See Performing Silent Installations.

    • (Linux) Change to the root directory to which you extracted the EPM System Installer files and enter ./

    • (Linux) Change to the root directory to which you extracted the EPM System Installer files and enter ./ -console.

    You can specify an alternate tmp directory by using the -tmp parameter. For example: ./installTool.cmd -tmp /templocation.

    EPM System Installer performs some initial checks while launching.

    EPM System Installer launches.


    The first page of EPM System Installer might open hidden behind other windows if you navigate away from the EPM System Installer window or try to reposition the initial window. Press Alt+Tab to switch to the first page of the wizard.

  2. Select a language.

    Throughout EPM System Installer, if a component is not available for installation in the language you selected, it is shaded in color and marked with an asterisk (*).

  3. Review and complete each page of EPM System Installer, clicking or selecting Next to move to the next page.

    In console mode, enter the number beside the selection you want.


    EPM System Installer starts to display the progress indicator after it has prepared the list of assemblies to install. This might take several minutes, depending on how many products you selected. EPM System Installer displays progress incrementally as each assembly's installation is complete.

    The following table provides links where you can find more details about each page of EPM System Installer.

    Table 5-3 EPM System Installer Pages

    Page Reference
    Welcome Welcome
    Destination/MiddleWare Home Destination/Middleware Home
    Installation Type Installation Type
    Product Selection Product Selection
    Confirmation Confirmation
  4. When installation is complete, click or select Configure to configure the products using EPM System Configurator, or click or select Finish to close EPM System Installer.